Measurement framework for the definition of sotware measurenment programs in smesmis-pyme

  1. Diaz De Ley, Maria
Supervised by:
  1. Mario G. Piattini Velthuis Director
  2. Félix O. García Rubio Director

Defence university: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Fecha de defensa: 30 July 2009

  1. Roberto Moriyón Salomón Chair
  2. Marcela Genero Secretary
  3. Mercedes Ruiz Carreira Committee member
  4. Idoia Alarcón Rodríguez Committee member
  5. Ángeles Saavedra Places Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 280705 DIALNET

Sustainable development goals


Abstract In this thesis, a methodological framework for the definition of software measurement programs called MIS-PyME is developed and validated, MIS-PyME is desgined as a lightweight methodology which takes into account the maturity and the limitations of the company. MIS-Pyme Framework provides a methodology which consists of a measurement program definition process, a set of roles and three support modules to ease the definition of the measurement program. In addition, MIS-PyME Framework provides a measurement maturity model used to define measurement programs adapted to the measurement matutiry of the company and to assess the measurement maturity of companies and identify software measurement improvements. This thesis shows the related state of the art, its motivation and its research principles. The methodological framework and its valiation are also presented. The otivation of the research is supported by a Case Study in which a popular software measurement program methodology (Goal Question Indicator Metric - GQ(I)M) was applied in order to study its suitablilty in SMEs. MIS-PyME was validated by performing two Case Studies in the software development and maintenance department of a medium-sized company. The aim of the first Case Study was to understand the suitability of MIS-PyME (which was adapted to the companys maturity) for defining and implementing measurement programs in SMEs, along with understanding the benefits obtained by using MIS-PYME in contrast with the previous experience of using GQ(I)M. The aim of the second Case Study was to understand the suiatbilty of MIS-PyME Measurement Maturity model for assessing the measurement maturity of software development SMEs and for identifying measurement improvements.