El derecho del trabajo y de la seguridad social en España en 2017

  1. Barona Betancourt, Ricardo
  2. Basterra Hernández, Miguel
  3. Beltrán de Heredia Ruiz, Ignasi
  4. Blasco Jover, Carolina
  5. Carrizosa, Esther
  6. Martins, David Carvalho
  7. Casanovas Sanz, Joaquín
  8. Cordero Gordillo, Vanessa
  9. Cremades Chueca, Oriol
  10. Domínguez Morales, Ana
  11. Ereñaga De Jesús, Nerea
  12. Esteban Miguel, Alfonso
  13. Fernández Mingo, Miriam
  14. García Coca, Olga
  15. Ginès Fabrellas, Anna
  16. Gómez-Millán Herencia, María José
  17. Gordo González, Luis
  18. Jalil Naji, Maiedah
  19. Kahale Carrillo, Djamil Tony
  20. Larrazabal Astigarraga, Eider
  21. Llorens Espada, Julen
  22. Marín Malo, Mirentxu
  23. Menéndez Calvo, María Remedios
  24. Moll Noguera, Rafael
  25. Navas-Parejo Alonso, Marta
  26. Nieto Rojas, Patricia
  27. Pazos Pérez, Alexandre
  28. Pérez del Prado, Daniel
  29. Prieto Padín, Patricia
  30. Revuelta García, Marina
  31. Ribes Moreno, Isabel
  32. Rodríguez Egío, María Monserrate
  33. Rodríguez Rodríguez, Emma
  34. Rodríguez Sanz de Galdeano, Beatriz
  35. Romeral Hernández, Josefa
  36. Sánchez Pérez, Pedro
  37. Serrano Argüeso, Mariola
  38. Taléns Visconti, Eduardo Enrique
  39. Tormos Pérez, Juan Alberto
  40. Velasco Portero, María Teresa
  41. Ysàs Molinero, Helena
  42. Show all authors +
Revista General de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social

ISSN: 1696-9626

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 48

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista General de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social

Sustainable development goals


This report is the result of a rigorous and detailed analysis of the most important normative changes and the most relevant judicial trends during the year 2017. In this sense, this paper becomes a very useful tool for labour lawyers. Thus, the document includes the key issues in the changing scenario of Labour Law and Social Security. Not in vain, the authors who have contributed are specialists in each of the subjects addressed around the thematic blocks: non-specific fundamental rights; work contracts and employment; issues on the labor relationship; collective rights; equality and co-responsibility; occupational risks prevention; and procedural. In its fourth edition, "Labour and Social Security Law in Spain 2017" becomes a good example of the intense activity carried out within the Young Scholars’ Section of the Spanish Association of Labor Law and Social Security.