Bases para la elaboración de un humanismo tecnológico en las obras de Ortega y Mumford

  1. Orihuela Guerrero, José
Supervised by:
  1. Julio Gallego Izquierdo Director
  2. Ramón Queraltó Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 14 June 2007

  1. Pascual F. Martínez Freire Chair
  2. Luis Miguel Arroyo Arrayás Secretary
  3. Antonio Javier Diéguez Lucena Committee member
  4. Francisco Vázquez García Committee member
  5. José Antonio Marín Casanova Committee member

Type: Thesis


Based on the annalysis and study of the ideas about the tachnological process in Ortega y Gasset and Mumford's works, similar basis can be established, taken them from the comparative study of both authors; and it is possible to outline the main ideas of a technological Humanism.After comparing those similar ideas (the ones of the philosopher and those of the sociologist and researcher of the science), with the situation of the researches about the technical phenomenum in the philosophical field and current sociology,some principles are established (methodological,anthropological, sociological, epistemological and ethical-political) in order to foam the philosophical idea of Technological Humanism. A Technological Humanism that overcomes the subjetive and ethnocentric projections of previus humanisms, because it is based on the scientific disciplines; and at the same time, it considers the technological field to be inherent to the human development, that is understood as a fact and as a social process; and it rejects an inexorable and pretentions technological direction of the culture. This Technological Humanism, that has its scientific base still in process and that requires to tackle the creation of an unified theory of the natural and social evolution, would be a scientific and ideological movement addressed to provide a modern project, in which the human being(understood and seen as a historical and social animal) works for the consecution of a community, made up of identities, which are based on the respect to all living beings' dignity and the places where they grow up, the sustainment of the common development and rational management of the future.