La Enfermería frente al espejo.Coloquio sobre la Historia de la Enfermería en el Monasterio de Oseira

  1. Manuel Amezcua 1
  2. María Elena González Iglesias 2
  3. Isabel Antón Solanas 3
  4. Antonio Jesús Marín Paz 4
  1. 1 Cátedra Index de Investigación en Cuidados de Salud, UCAM-Fundación Index. Granada, España.
  2. 2 Servicio Galego de Saúde. Ourense, España.
  3. 3 Universidad San Jorge. Zaragoza, España.
  4. 4 Universidad de Cádiz. Cádiz, España.
Temperamentvm: Revista internacional de historia y pensamiento enfermero

ISSN: 1699-6011

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 14

Type: Article

More publications in: Temperamentvm: Revista internacional de historia y pensamiento enfermero


The III International Meeting for the History of Nursing and Nursing Scholarship took place at the Monastery of Oseira (Ourense, Spain), from the 14th to the 15th of July 2017, where a group of experts convened to discuss on the Distortions of the History of Nursing. This document summarizes the main conclusions arising from the colloquia during this event. The participants discussed about the importance of the history of Nursing and how it influences the consciousness and identity of the nursing community. In addition, emphasis was made on the need to guarantee that the history of Nursing is based on both scientific and ridiculous foundations. Special attention was paid to the strategies and methods necessary to ensure that the history of our profession does have a positive impact on Nursing; it was anticipated that this would involve the active participation of nurse historians, nursing organisations, academics and nurses alike. Finally, there was debate on the need to bring nursing History to the forefront of society.

Bibliographic References

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