El fenómeno fan de las microcelebridadesel caso de AuronPlay
ISSN: 1989-872X
Any de publicació: 2021
Volum: 12
Número: 2
Pàgines: 131-144
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación: Mediterranean Journal of Communication
Although there is abundant work on fan communities and, to a lesser extent, on microcelebrities, the relationship between the two has only been superficially addressed. This work therefore aims to study the adaptation of the fandom to the online environment and microcelebrities. AuronPlay is one of the most relevant youtubers on the national and international scene, with 24.5 million subscribers. This work is an exploratory-descriptive research of a qualitative nature. Structured online interviews (44 interviews were held with Spanish AuronPlay fans) and discourse analysis are used. The aim is to address the relevance of the youtuber in a specific social and communication context and the perceptions and behaviour of their fans as a community of followers of a microcelebrity. The success of AuronPlay seems to be related to a close and constant communication with the community through digital platforms. Identification and projection processes coexist. The fans themselves are aware of the influence the youtuber has on them in the way of speaking, the consumption of content or the perception of reality. The community is constituted as a support for the microcelebrity and an expansion of his imaginary. Despite everything, the relationship between microcelebrity and community has a parasocial character.
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