El papel de los agentes turísticos en la gestión de un destino. El caso de los ayuntamientos. Un estudio de caso

  1. Fernández Alles, María Teresa 1
  2. Cuadrado Marqués, Ramón 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz.
XVII Congreso Internacional de Turismo Universidad Empresa. Del Territorio al Destino Turístico: Retos y Claves de Éxito
  1. López Olivares, Diego (dir.)

Publisher: Tirant lo Blanch

ISBN: 9788490861981

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 131-150

Type: Book chapter


One of the key elements for a tourist destination to succeed and to gain a good positioning, raising awareness in its goal-markets attracting customers, is the coordinated management of all public and private agents. In the current competitive environment, featuring a strong degree of rivalry between destinations it is not enough to offer good products and services to attract tourists to a certain environment, but it is necessary to design effective marketing strategies and to identify the resources and infrastructures to attract investment, residents, and tourists. Hence, it is necessary to coordinate these strategies so public and private agents are involved in their design and execution. Among agents involved in managing a tourist destination there are several groups that can be cited: tourists, sectors’ businessmen and employees, suppliers, and public administrations, being specially relevant, in the latter group, the role played by town halls. For this reason, relationships developed by local governments when managing tourism will be analysed under the stakeholder marketing approach, completing this research with a case study based on the measures carried out by Cadiz Town Hall with the goal of integrating local businessmen in tourism management.