Reflexiones en torno a las fuentes oraleshistoria y memoria en los relatos sobre migración italiana en Ecuador (XIX-XX).
Universitat de Barcelona
ISSN: 1989-211X
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 25
Type: Article
More publications in: Naveg@mérica: revista electrónica editada por la Asociación Española de Americanistas
It is some years, inside the academic community, that it is emerged the idea that oral sources offer an interesting key about the interpretations, the feelings and the reworking of the lived events by their own protagonists. At the same time, it has been postulated that oral sources are subject to a certain form of subjectivity and (self) censorship, determined by individual, collective or social control over the source itself. In the initial part of the text, I propose to detail the particularities of oral sources, as the product of the encounter between the researcher and the witness of the event. In the second part, I intend to offer a reflection on the relationship between history and the transmission of memory, based on the stories of the Italians' descendants who emigrated to Ecuador in the 19th century. Finally, I will focus on showing how the filter of memory, that changes over time, re-elaborates, reinterprets and even forgot some historical events. An important source for this work are the stories of Italian immigrants and their descendants collected in Ecuador between 2010 and 2015.
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