A framework for modeling and improving agile requirements engineering

  1. Schön, Eva Maria
Supervised by:
  1. Jorg Thomaschewski Director
  2. María José Escalona Cuaresma Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 14 December 2017

  1. José Miguel Toro Bonilla Chair
  2. Francisco José Domínguez Mayo Secretary
  3. Mario G. Piattini Velthuis Committee member
  4. Mercedes Ruiz Carreira Committee member
  5. Olga De Troyer Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 516297 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor

Sustainable development goals


Context. Companies adopt hybrid development models consisting of an integration of agile methodologies and Human-Centered Design (HCD) with the aim to increase value delivery as well as to reduce time to market. This has an impact on how Requirements Engineering (RE) is carried out in an agile environment. To this end, people apply different kind of agile techniques like artifacts, meetings, methods, and roles. In this context, companies often struggle with improving their value chain in a systematic manner, since guidelines for choosing an appropriate set of agile techniques are missing. Objective. The vision of this PhD thesis is to build a framework for modeling agile RE. Organizations benefit from implementing this framework by increasing their value delivery (organization external) and improving the collaboration (organizational intern). Method. We followed an inductive research approach, where we used the learnings from several studies to create the framework. In the beginning, we carried out a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to analyze the state of the art of agile RE with focus on user and stakeholder involvement. Subsequent, we created the agile RE metamodel, which evolved iteratively along the consecutively studies. Based on the metamodel, we defined an profile that can be used to create domain specific models according to the organizational environment. Moreover, we conducted a Delphi study in order to identify the most important problems industry has to face today in terms of agile RE. The results were used as input for a systematic pattern mining process, which was utilized in order to create agile RE patterns. Results. The framework for modeling agile RE consists of three main components: i) agile RE metamodel, which can be used to analyze the organizational environment in terms of value delivery ii) catalogue of agile RE problems, which allows to detect recurring problems in terms of agile RE iii) catalogue of agile RE patterns, which allows to solve the detected problems. The agile RE metamodel comes with a profile, which can be used to deviate domain specific models. In addition, we created tool support for the framework by means of a web application (agileRE.org), which allows us to share the knowledge and best practices for agile RE. Furthermore, we proved how the framework can be applied in industry by means of case studies in Germany and in Spain. Conclusion. The framework for modeling agile RE empowers companies to improve their organizational environments in terms of value delivery and collaboration. Companies can use the framework for improving their value chain in a systematic manner. In particular, it gives guidance for choosing appropriate agile techniques, which fit to the changing needs of the organizational environment. In addition, we can state that the framework is applicable on an international level.