A cross-sectional survey of psychotic symptoms in thecommunityThe GRANADP psychosis study

  1. M. Guerrero Jiménez
  2. B. Gutiérrez
  3. I. Ruiz
  4. M. Rodríguez Barranco
  5. I. Ibanez Casas
  6. M. Pérez García
  7. E. Valmisa
  8. J. Carmona
  9. J. E. Muñoz Negro
  10. J. A. Cervilla
European journal of psychiatry

ISSN: 0213-6163

Año de publicación: 2018

Volumen: 32

Número: 2

Páginas: 87-96

Tipo: Artículo


Otras publicaciones en: European journal of psychiatry


Background and objectives: Psychotic symptoms (PS) can be ascertained in the general pop-ulation suggesting the existence of a wide psychosis phenotype. We aim to investigate theprevalence and correlates of PS in the province of Granada (Spain) in the absence of previousdata. Our objectives were to establish the prevalence of PS, i.e. delusions and hallucinations,and identifying correlates with PS in search of plausible risk factors.Methods: This is a cross-sectional study (GRANADP study) including assessments of 809 indi-viduals who were selected randomly from the Unified Database of the Andalusian Health System,a census covering about 98% of the entire regional population. PS were assessed by the MINI Neu-ropsychiatric International Interview Psychosis Subscale. A variety of potential risk factors forPS were also assessed including socio-demographics, cognitive function, psychiatric comorbidityand physical health issues.Results: The prevalence of any PS in the province of Granada was 10.3% (hallucinations weredetected in 6.1% of the sample and delusions in 7.4%). PS was correlated with increased suiciderisk, lower functionality, having suffered childhood abuse, cannabis use, lower working memoryand higher impulsivity. Conclusions: The prevalence of PS in this Southern Spanish sample is similar to that found inother European populations. This may indicate that an extended subclinical psychotic phenotypecan be detectable on general populations and that it associates to a variety of cognitive deficits,personality traits and environmental factors upon which we can direct preventative measuresto prevent transition from subclinical non-cases to clinical cases states.© 2017 Published by Elsevier Espa˜na, S.L.U. on behalf of Asociaci´on Universitaria de Zaragozapara el Progreso de la Psiquiatr´ıa y la Salud Mental

Información de financiación


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