Influencia del Autoestigma o Estigma Internalizado en el Funcionamiento Social y Apoyo Social en pacientes con Enfermedades Mentales atendidos en la Comunidad Terapéutica de Salud Mental

  1. Lorena Pérez Brenes
  2. Eva Utrera Caballero
  3. María José Lopera Arroyo
NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería

ISSN: 1697-218X

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 72

Type: Article

More publications in: NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería


Introduction. Self-stigma is a subjective process, embedded in a socio-cultural, characterized by negative feelings (about himself), maladaptive behaviors, identity transformation or application of stereotypes resulting from an individual ex-perience, perception or anticipation of social reactions derived negative mental illness may adversely affect the size and quality of social networks and, therefore, social functioning. Objectives. Determine if the level of self-stigma of Mental Ill-ness patients influences the Social Functioning and Social Support Perception. Methodology. Transversal descriptive stu-dy on patients treated in the Therapeutic Community Mental Health, which measured, among other variables, the level of self-stigma or Internalized Stigma, Social Functioning, Social Network and Social Support perceived by instruments Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness. Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI), Social Functioning Scale and MOS Questionnaire. To analyze the data, determine means and standard deviations for numerical variables and frequency tables and percentages for non-numeric using SPSS and Chi-square test to study the relationship of qualitative variables and Pearson correlation coefficient for quantitative