
  1. Eva Sánchez Arjona 1
  2. Roberto Saiz Pantoja 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz

    Universidad de Cádiz

    Cádiz, España


Cadernos GPOSSHE On-line

ISSN: 2595-7880

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 4

Issue: Unico

Pages: 1-11

Type: Article

DOI: 10.33241/CADERNOSDOGPOSSHE.V4IUNICO.6734 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Cadernos GPOSSHE On-line

Sustainable development goals


Oral language in Early Childhood Education escapes the teaching of many teachers who dedicate their efforts to the written language. Sometimes resources that can generate interaction situations are unknown, however, non-fiction books are presented as the ideal tool for this. In this work, a documentary analysis of the book Mundo Cruel by the Wonder Ponder publishing house is carried out with the aim of knowing in depth the selected book to design a didactic proposal aimed at promoting the development of orality. The results indicate that Mundo Cruel is a book of visual philosophy that lends itself to a dynamization aimed at promoting strategies such as description, explanation or argumentation, and to working discursive genres such as debate, interview or oral presentation. The different findings allow us to conclude with a proposal for reading and orality workshops supported by the book Mundo Cruel.