Datasets used to illustrate the PPVD mashup protocol execution

  1. Rodriguez-Garcia, Mercedes 1
  2. Balderas, Antonio 1
  3. Dodero, Juan Manuel 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz

    Universidad de Cádiz

    Cádiz, España


Editor: Zenodo

Year of publication: 2021

Type: Dataset

CC BY 4.0


Datasets used for the empirical evaluation of the privacy-preserving data mashup protocol. Three data sets can be found: Vertical partition of educational provider A (Input_DataPartition_A.csv) Vertical partition of educational provider B (Input_DataPartition_B.csv) Integrated and k-anonymized output dataset by the privacy-preserving data mashup protocol (Output_AnoymizedIntegratedDataset.csv)