Dissolved organic matter from submarine mud volcanoes (Gulf of Cádiz, Spain)

  1. Amaral, Valentina
  2. Romera-Castillo, Cristina
  3. Forja, Jesús M


Year of publication: 2021

Type: Dataset

CC BY 4.0


In this study, the use of spectrofluorometric technique was used for the first time to assess the dynamics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz. DOM was assessed in two oceanographic cruises (June and December 2016) in three mud volcanoes of the GC: Anastasya (AN, 452 m), Pipoca (PI, 635 m) and San Petersburg (SP, ~ 1000 m). Pore water samples from sediments were analyzed in each volcano. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured using a TOC-Analyzer. Chromophoric DOM (CDOM) was analyzed measuring absorbance using a spectrophotometer and absorbance coefficient at 254 and 350 nm were calculated. Fluorescence DOM (FDOM) was analyzed by combining emission-excitation matrixes and multivariate parallel factor analysis. DOC concentration in pore water ranged from 0.63 to 4.08 mmol L−1. Four fluorescent components were validated. Component 1 (C1) and 2 (C2) were previously described as humic-like components of terrestrial and marine/microbial origin, respectively. Component 3 (C3) and component 4 (C4) were referred to as protein-like components, accounting for 68% ± 17% of the total FDOM. Overall, MVs act as a source of DOC, CDOM, and FDOM to the deep waters of the Gulf of Cádiz