Rendimiento de la postlarva de Panulirus argus alimentada con calamar fresco

  1. Leandro Rodríguez Viera 1
  2. Erick Perera 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Habana

    Universidad de La Habana

    La Habana, Cuba


Revista de investigaciones marinas

ISSN: 1991-6086 0252-1962

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 32

Issue: 1

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de investigaciones marinas


There is a great interest in the growout of spiny lobster postlarva captured in the wild. This activity has been developed rapidly in Asia and especially in Vietnam. However, lack of appropriated formulated diets remains the main constrain to the sustainable expansion of this activity worldwide. Until now, best growth rates have been obtained with the use of high inclusion of krill meal and/or krill hydrolysates which are expensive. However, squid is today avoided as food ingredient due to low digestibility reported. Also, fresh squid has been demonstrated to produce poor growth performance in temperate lobsters, but there is no report for P. argus fed exclusive on fresh squid. This work examines the effect of fresh squid on growth of P. argus (initial weight=1.8 ± 0.46g, initial cephalotorax length=10.62 ± 1.576 mm) during 60 days. Lobsters fed with fresh squid attained a final weight 4 times higher that the lobsters fed on fish dry pellets. Weight and size increments,as well as specific growth rates were higher for lobster fed with squid, and resulted similar to the better growth rates previously reported for P. argus and other lobsters. Results indicate that in spite of previous negative reports for spiny lobsters, fresh squid is an appropriated food for P. argus. It is suggested that processing technology should be improved for obtaining more soluble and digestible squid meals for lobsters.

Bibliographic References

  • Los resultados indican que la proteína de calamar es fácilmente digerido y asimilado por las langostas. Proteína pobre digestibilidad de la harina de calamar (Ward et al., 2003, Irvin y Williams, 2007) podrían ser los resultados de una pobre comidas de calidad. La agregación de proteínas del manto de calamar incluso a temperaturas moderadas (35°C), con una reducción de la solubilidad de las proteínas, se ha reportado antes (Gómez-Guillén et al., 1998). También, fuertes diferencias en el contenido de aminoácidos libres y digestibilidad entre músculo de calamar y harina de calamar se han reportado proteínas (Perera et al., 2010). La información de crecimiento aquí presentada, junto con informes anteriores sobre los efectos mejorados del crecimiento de calamar en otros crustáceos, indican que el calamar sería un ingrediente de elección para P. argus, y sugieren que la tecnología de procesamiento debe ser mejorados para obtener más solubles y digeribles comidas.