Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Competency Development in Engineering Students
- Cerezo-Narváez, Alberto 1
- Castro-Medina, Daniel 1
- Montero-Gutiérrez, MPaz 2
- Ramírez-Peña, Magdalena 1
- Sánchez-García, Daniel 1
- Delgado, Carmen Guerrero 2
- Otero-Mateo, Manuel 1
- Pastor-Fernández, Andrés 1
- Ramos, José Sánchez 2
- 1 University of Cadiz, Spain
- 2 University of Seville, Spain
ISSN: 2326-9022, 2326-9030
ISBN: 9798369368800, 9798369368824
Year of publication: 2024
Pages: 153-186
Type: Book chapter
Extracurricular activities play a key role in the competency development of university students in engineering. These endeavors, such as participating in competitions, engaging in multidisciplinary projects, integrating into professional societies, and collaborating with student associations, provide opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge they have gained in practical situations. This not only reinforces learning but also enables them to better understand how these concepts are used in the real world, fostering crucial soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership, which complement hard skills acquired in the formal curriculum. Additionally, it gives them the chance to manage projects in a controlled environment, while also developing their decision-making skills under pressure. Furthermore, they establish a network of contacts, offering a forum for the exchange of ideas and future partnerships. This involvement increases motivation and commitment, renewing their interest in engineering and giving them a clearer perspective on their career paths.
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