Geodesia y Geofísica
Gárate Pasquín
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Jorge Gárate Pasquín (10)
Analysis of GNSS Time Series Recorded on South Shetland Island and Antarctic Peninsula during the Geodynamic Activity in 2020 of the Orca Underwater Volcano (Brandfield Sea Rift, Antarctica) †
Engineering Proceedings, Vol. 39, Núm. 1
Design and Implementation of a Prototype Seismogeodetic System for Tectonic Monitoring
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), Vol. 23, Núm. 21
Q–Str2–Models: A software in PyQGIS to obtain Stress–Strain models from GNSS geodynamic velocities
Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 172
Treatment and Analysis of Multiparametric Time Series from a Seismogeodetic System for Tectonic Monitoring of the Gulf of Cadiz, Spain †
Engineering Proceedings, Vol. 39, Núm. 1
Volcano-tectonic dynamics of Deception Island (Antarctica): 27 years of GPS observations (1991–2018)
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Vol. 381, pp. 57-82
Assessment of ground deformation following Tenerife's 2004 volcanic unrest (Canary Islands)
Journal of Geodynamics, Vol. 121, pp. 1-8
SPINA region (South of Iberian Peninsula, North of Africa) GNSS geodynamic model
International Association of Geodesy Symposia
Velocity field and tectonic strain in Southern Spain and surrounding areas derived from GPS episodic measurements
Journal of Geodynamics, Vol. 49, Núm. 3-4, pp. 232-240
Improving the Local Geoid with GPS
European Geophysical Society XXI General Assembly The Hague