Department: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura

Research institute: Instituto para el Desarrollo Social Sostenible (INDESS)

Area: Didactics of Language and Literature

Research group: Télos: Grupo para el Estudio del Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Lengua y la Literatura


Áreas PAIDI: Humanidades

Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Presencia de la cultura popular y folclore infantil en la narrativa de Agatha Christie 2004. Supervised by Dr. Carmen García Surrallés.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Didactics of Language and Literature at the University of Cadiz. PhD in English Philology, Master Degree in Anglo-Germanic Philology and BA in Primary Teaching . Pre-doctoral training at University College London and the University of Kent. (United Kingdom). Associate Professor at the UNED Associate Centre in Cádiz (2002-2011). Head of the research group HUM 748- TÉLOS of the Andalusian Research Plan. 3 books, 12 book chapters, more than 27 articles published in prestigious journals in the field of the DLL in addition to other publications in proceedings and journals. Secretary of the XIII International Congress of the SEDLL held in Cadiz in 2012. Vice-Dean of Institutional Relations and Infrastructure of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UCA (1999-2001). Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Secondary Teacher Training for substitution from January 2021. Member of the SEPIE Panel of Experts since 2019. Member of OTRI Project OT2012/112 "Support Services to the Vice-Presidency of the European Association for International Education (EAIE)". September 2012-September 2014. Contract OTRI OT2014/111 "Support Services to the Presidency of the European Association for International Education (EAIE)". Member of the Andalusian Regional Government's Project of Excellence P12- HUM-2348 "The effects of integrated learning of content and foreign languages in monolingual communities: a longitudinal study (2014-2017) and Member of the Project "Musical aptitude, reading fluency and intercultural perception of European university students" (Reference: FFI2016-75452-R) MINECO; State Programme of R+D+i Oriented to the Challenges of Society from (2017-2020). Member of the Project Instagramers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of instatubers (2020-2022), PAIDI Junta de Andalucía. Adjunct Editor of the RESED Journal. Assistant Editor and Member of the Scientific and Editorial Committee of the Portalinguarum Journal. Coordinator of the monograph "Radiography of Educational Innovation" in the RESED Journal published in 2020.