Profesor Titular de Universidad
Publicaciones (50) Publicaciones de FRANCISCO FERNANDEZ ZACARIAS
An Analysis of the Displacements in 3D-Printed PLA Acoustic Guitars
Polymers, Vol. 16, Núm. 15
Comparison of Motion Capture Technologies: Accelerometry Versus Kinemetry
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Silent Neonatal Incubators, Prototype Nica+
Acoustics, Vol. 6, Núm. 3, pp. 638-650
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum
Influence of 3D Printing Direction in PLA Acoustic Guitars on Vibration Response
Polymers, Vol. 15, Núm. 24
The frequency spectrum of the acoustic environment in a neonatal intensive care unit
Journal of King Saud University - Science, Vol. 35, Núm. 4
Acoustic conditioning of the neonatal incubator compartment: Improvement proposal
Frontiers in Pediatrics, Vol. 10
The Importance of Noise Attenuation Levels in Neonatal Incubators
Acoustics, Vol. 4, Núm. 4, pp. 821-833
Experimental and computational model for a neonatal incubator with thermoelectric conditioning system
Energies, Vol. 14, Núm. 17
The Importance of Reverberation for the Design of Neonatal Incubators
Frontiers in Pediatrics, Vol. 9
Characterizing the acoustic environment in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Applied Acoustics, Vol. 165
Evaluation of the police operational tactical procedures for reducing officer injuries resulting from physical interventions in problematic arrests. The case of the municipal police of Cádiz (Spain)
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, Vol. 33, Núm. 1, pp. 35-43
First steps towards a methodology to assess the influence of noise on a natural area
Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne, Vol. 48, Núm. 2, pp. 15-24
Multiple sensor monitoring of cfrp drilling to define cutting parameters sensitivity on surface roughness, cylindricity and diameter
Materials, Vol. 13, Núm. 12, pp. 1-17
Reverberation time measurements of a neonatal incubator
Applied Acoustics, Vol. 167
Analysis of the suitability of identification methods for the candidates for quiet areas based on GIS in medium-sized cities in southern Spain
Proceedings of the 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2019
Anthropogenic noise mapping of a periurban natural park on the coastal area in the SW of Spain: Case study of bird’s ecosystem protection
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Vol. 105, Núm. 6, pp. 1015-1025
Environmental sound spectral analisys suffered by neonatal patients. Case study: NiCU of Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar (Cádiz)
INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering
OTP-PRL: An app for occupational risk prevention in policing activities
BMC Public Health, Vol. 19, Núm. 1
Análisis del acondicionamiento acústico del habitáculo de una incubadora neonatal: Propuesta de mejora
FIA 2018 XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Acústica-Tecniacústica: 49º Congreso Español de Acústica y X Congreso Ibérico de Acústica (Sociedad Española de Acústica)