Catedrática de Universidad
Department: Filología Clásica (Griega y Latina)
Area: Latin Philology
Research group: Elio Antonio de Nebrija
Email: sandra.ramos@uca.es
Personal web: http://www.filologiaclasicacadiz.com/sandra-i-ramos-maldo...
Áreas PAIDI: Humanidades
Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Los commentariorum de sale libri v del humanista Alcañizano Bernardino Gomez Miedes. Introduccion, edicion critica, traduccion, notas e indices 1995. Supervised by Dr. Juan Gil Fernández, Dr. José María Maestre Maestre.
Mrs Ramos is Professor of Latin Philology in the Department of Classical Philology of the University of Cádiz. She is a member of the Research Group "Elio Antonio de Nebrija". Her book Comentarios sobre la sal (Commentaries on salt) received the Premio Nacional de Tesis Doctorales (National Award for Doctoral Theses), awarded by the Sociedad de Estudios Latinos (Society for Latin Studies). Main research fields: Tradition and Reception of the Pliny the Elder's Natural History (PLINIANA), Neo-Latin, Humanism, Latin Didactics (Sal Musarum), History and Culture of the Salt (Bibliotheca Salinaria).