Argitalpenak (11) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. A new RC and g-function hybrid model to simulate vertical ground heat exchangers

    Renewable Energy, Vol. 78, pp. 631-642

  2. A novel three-step procedure to forecast the inspection volume

    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 56, pp. 393-414

  3. A two-stage procedure for forecasting freight inspections at Border Inspection Posts using SOMs and support vector regression

    International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53, Núm. 7, pp. 2119-2130

  4. Adaptación del método CTF a cerramientos con alta inercia térmica

    IX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Termodinámica: libro de actas. Cartagena, 3 al 5 de junio 2015 (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena), pp. 599-607

  5. Analysis of the global and technical efficiencies of major Spanish container ports

    International Journal of Transport Economics, Vol. 42, Núm. 3, pp. 377-407

  6. Characterization of pitting corrosion of stainless steel using artificial neural networks

    Materials and Corrosion, Vol. 66, Núm. 10, pp. 1084-1091

  7. Fitting conduction transfer function method to low Fourier numbers: application to ground-coupled floors

    Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Vol. 8, Núm. 6, pp. 424-434

  8. Numerical and experimental validation of a new hybrid model for vertical ground heat exchangers

    Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 103, pp. 511-518

  9. Pitting corrosion behaviour modelling of stainless steel with support vector machines

    Materials and Corrosion, Vol. 66, Núm. 9, pp. 915-924

  10. Sinking of concrete modules into a sandy seabed: A case study

    Coastal Engineering, Vol. 99, pp. 26-37

  11. Validación experimental de dos modelos híbridos de simulación de intercambiadores enterrados verticales para bombas de calor geotérmicas

    IX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Termodinámica: libro de actas. Cartagena, 3 al 5 de junio 2015 (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena), pp. 459-467