Máquinas y Motores Térmicos
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with FRANCISCO JAVIER GONZALEZ GALLERO (25)
Performance analysis of a novel façade-based building integrated photovoltaic-thermal system with phase change material for domestic hot water
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 240
A new practical approach to design a Phase Change Material-Water longitudinally finned tube heat exchanger
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 221
Experimental adjustment of the turbulent Schmidt number to model the evaporation rate of swimming pools in CFD programmes
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 41
Improving thermal performance of a ventilated tiled roof by using phase change materials
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, Vol. 19, pp. 54-62
Performance analysis of natural convection correlations for spheres at high Rayleigh numbers
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 168
Effect of sky discretization for shading device calculation on building energy performance simulations
Energies, Vol. 16, Núm. 3
Enhanced CFD-based approach to calculate the evaporation rate in swimming pools
Science and Technology for the Built Environment, Vol. 27, Núm. 4, pp. 524-532
Solar gain mitigation in ventilated tiled roofs by using phase change materials
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, Vol. 15, Núm. 3, pp. 434-442
Experimental validation of a hybrid model for vertical ground heat exchangers under on-off operation conditions
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 204
Practical approaches to assess thermal performance of a finned heat sink prototype for low concentration photovoltaics (LCPV) systems: Analytical correlations vs CFD modelling
Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 156, pp. 220-229
Experimental test for the estimation of the evaporation rate in indoor swimming pools: Validation of a new CFD-based simulation methodology
Building and Environment, Vol. 138, pp. 293-299
A new practical CFD-based methodology to calculate the evaporation rate in indoor swimming pools
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 149, pp. 133-141
Reduction of computation time in building energy performance simulation programs by applying tearing techniques
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 130, pp. 667-675
A new RC and g-function hybrid model to simulate vertical ground heat exchangers
Renewable Energy, Vol. 78, pp. 631-642
Fitting conduction transfer function method to low Fourier numbers: application to ground-coupled floors
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Vol. 8, Núm. 6, pp. 424-434
Influence of selected solar positions for shading device calculations in building energy performance simulations
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 101, pp. 144-152
Metodología para el cálculo de la tasa de evaporación en piscinas cubiertas mediante CFD
IX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Termodinámica: libro de actas. Cartagena, 3 al 5 de junio 2015 (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena), pp. 684-691
Numerical and experimental validation of a new hybrid model for vertical ground heat exchangers
Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 103, pp. 511-518
Validación experimental de dos modelos híbridos de simulación de intercambiadores enterrados verticales para bombas de calor geotérmicas
IX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Termodinámica: libro de actas. Cartagena, 3 al 5 de junio 2015 (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena), pp. 459-467
Effect analysis of constructive quality and orientation on the energy consumption of the buildings in the North of Morocco
Energy-Environment-Economics (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 33-40