Publicacións (38) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. Anaerobic co-digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW): Progress and challenges

    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 93, pp. 380-399

  2. Anaerobic digestion of municipal sewage under psychrophilic conditions

    Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 198, pp. 931-939

  3. Antimicrobial activity of printed composite TiO2/SiO2 and TiO2/SiO2/Au thin films under UVA-LED and natural solar radiation

    Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Vol. 239, pp. 609-618

  4. Análisis estadístico de datos AIS como herramienta de gestión estratégica y medioambiental de instalaciones portuarias

    Cádiz:: del Floreciente S.XVIII al Port of the Future del S.XXI (Dykinson)

  5. Application of excitation emission matrixes spectroscopy to study humic acids rejection with TiO2 nanofiltration membrane with enlarged area

    Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry, Vol. 19, Núm. 3, pp. 313-321

  6. Biochemical responses of Solea senegalensis after continuous flow exposure to urban effluents

    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 615, pp. 486-497

  7. Biodegradación anaerobia de lodos y residuos agroalimentarios

    SEM@foro, Núm. 66, pp. 58-60

  8. Biomarker responses of the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in acid mine drainage polluted systems

    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 242, pp. 1659-1668

  9. Biomethanization of solid wastes from the alcoholic beverage industry: Malt and sloe. Kinetic and microbiological analysis

    Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 334, pp. 650-656

  10. Combining sun-based technologies (microalgae and solar disinfection) for urban wastewater regeneration

    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 619-620, pp. 1049-1057

  11. Comparative studies of different membrane distillation configurations and membranes for potential use on board cruise vessels

    Desalination, Vol. 429, pp. 44-51

  12. Contaminación marina

    Ecuaciones y cálculos para el tratamiento de aguas (Paraninfo), pp. 469-476

  13. Effect of Temperature on Biohydrogen and Biomethane Productions by Anaerobic Digestion of Sugar Beet by-Products

    International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 8, Núm. 11, pp. 762-766

  14. Effects of CO2 enrichment on two microalgae species: A toxicity approach using consecutive generations

    Chemosphere, Vol. 213, pp. 84-91

  15. Emisiones y residuos producidos por el tráfico de la flota de buques cruceros en el estrecho de Gibraltar

    Almoraima: revista de estudios campogibraltareños, Núm. 49, pp. 75-85

  16. Health status alterations in Ruditapes philippinarum after continuous secondary effluent exposure before and after additional tertiary treatment application

    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 235, pp. 720-729



  18. Impact of supplementary nutrients on codigestion of agricultural waste: Study of temperatures

    Food and Bioproducts Processing, Vol. 110, pp. 120-125

  19. Inactivation of a wild isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae by photo-chemical processes: UV-C, UV-C/H2O2 and UV-C/H2O2/Fe3+

    Catalysis Today, Vol. 313, pp. 94-99

  20. Inactivation of marine heterotrophic bacteria in ballast water by an Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Process

    Water Research, Vol. 140, pp. 377-386