Piratería marítima en el Golfo de Guineael conflicto del Delta del Níger como detonante de su génesis y evolución

  1. Cao Feijóo, Genaro
Supervised by:
  1. Santiago Iglesias-Baniela Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 06 July 2017

  1. Daniel García Gómez de Barreda Chair
  2. José Carbia Secretary
  3. Antonio J. Poleo Mora Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 471713 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Maritime piracy in the Gulf of Guinea has its epicenter in the Niger Delta. Half a century of oil exploitation in the area has led to environmental degradation, limiting the way of life of their inhabitants. This circumstance, in addition to the unequal distribution of wealth, has contributed to growing unrest among Nigerian Delta states, originating an insurgency which is taking advantage the features of the area, deploying on fluvial and marine environment. Furthermore, this scenario hosts the theft of crude from ships, for sale on the black market. This thesis attempts to analyse the piratical activity in the Gulf, relating it with the rest of the illegal acts of violence on the seas that fall outside of the international legal concept of piracy, as the maritime terrorism. It has therefore been necessary a study of criminal context, spanning the target selection, modus operandi, maritime zones and purposes of the attacks. After delimit the ongoing research and as an ultimate goal of the work carried out, conclusions are formulated trying to provide, in a well-founded manner, a contemporary vision of the problem at the same time as to propose feasible countermeasures that could contribute to reduce their genesis and development.