La libertad de percepción en la religiosidad contemporáneaJ. Krishnamurti, I. Murdoch y S. Patwardhan

  1. Quirós Rodríguez, Rafael
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Ignacio Oliva Cruz Director
  2. Maurice O'Connor Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Cádiz

Fecha de defensa: 10 December 2018

  1. Francisco Vázquez García Chair
  2. Jorge Diego Sánchez Secretary
  3. Alida Carloni Franca Committee member
  1. Filología Francesa e Inglesa

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 573333 DIALNET


The object of this investigation is to ascertain whether freedom of perception is one of the distinguishing features of contemporary religiosity. It starts with an exploration of those aspects of perceptivity that may be related to religiosity, along with an acknowledgment of the contemporary crisis of religious consciousness relating to the changes observed in the traditional perception of the sacred. The explosion of new religious researchers with original mystical teachings has played a significant role in bringing about the perceptual changes observed. In order to determine its effects, the legacy of Jiddu Krishnamurti is taken as reference to undertake two case analyses applied to the dialogic and learning relationships that Iris Murdoch and Sunanda Patwardhan had with the author. After considering the practical implications of the new ways of perceiving and relating to the sacred, we proceed to situate religious perceptual activity in its relationship with freedom. As a result, the contemporary origin of the notion of freedom of perception is traced and its religious meaning delimited. The ultimate conclusion is that, in contrast to the perceptual models instituted by traditional religions, freedom of perception is indeed one of the distinguishing features of contemporary religiosity