La consolidación del patent box como incentivo fiscal para las empresas innovadorassu transformación a través del criterio de actividad sustancial.

  1. Alejandro García Heredia
Quincena fiscal

ISSN: 1132-8576

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 5

Type: Article

More publications in: Quincena fiscal


This paper analyzes the tax incentive on income from certain intangible assets, known internationally as the patent box. In our Law, the regulation of this incentive is found in article 23 of Act 27/2014, of 27 November, on Corporate Income Tax, as well as in the regulations of the different regional regimes (Basque Country and Navarra). The purpose of this work is to analyze the Spanish patent box regime, especially in its national regime version, after the modifications introduced in 2016 and 2018. These modifications were aimed at adapting the content of the regime to the criterion of substantial activity that derives from the agreements reached within the scope of the OECD and the EU on the so-called nexus approach (modified nexus approach), whose final results were incorporated into the Action 5 of the BEPS Plan on harmful tax practices. In accordance with this new approach, the tax incentive must be calculated taking into account the relationship between the enjoyment of the preferential regime and the investments in R&D&I activities carried out by the taxpayer. At the same time, the nexus approach requires limiting the application of the incentive to certain type of assets, such as patents or other functionally equivalent assets, which prevents this incentive from being applied to commercial assets (trademarks) or to secret information concerning industrial, commercial or scientific experience (know-how). The fact that after BEPS more and more countries apply a tax incentive of these characteristics also requires rethinking whether the aforementioned nexus approach will effectively promote the national-based innovative activity or if, on the contrary, it will be used rather as a mechanism of fiscal competition between states. If so, it will be necessary to see if the Spanish regime can currently compete with those of other countries around us, indicating, where appropriate, the reforms that could be carried out to make our regime more competitive within the criterion of substantial activity.

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