Las redes sociales como oportunidad de comercialización de los productos ecológicos

Supervised by:
  1. Enrique Bernar Jurado Director
  2. Adoración Mozas Moral Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 16 February 2016

  1. Rafael Chaves Ávila Chair
  2. Encarnación Moral Pajares Secretary
  3. Jacopo Sforzi Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 428042 DIALNET


[EN] This study pursuing the following general research objective: to analyse the This study pursuing the following general research objective: to analyse the penetration, application and prospects of the social networks in the olive oil sector, with particular emphasis on organic operators (many of which take the form of cooperatives). For this purpose, the analysis begins with the Delphi study that served as the starting point for measuring the impact of the social networks in the olive oil sector. This is followed by a description and analysis of the metrics collected on the use that olive oil companies currently make of the social networks, focusing on organisations that supply and market organic olive oil. The survey employed to study these organisations in greater depth was extended to include wine sector companies that sell organic wines. The results are shown and compared through an analysis of efficiency, using the DEA method. Finally, a section is also devoted to the cooperative movement.