Régimen jurídico-tributario de las sociedades de personas a la luz de los convenios para evitar la doble imposición

  1. Vaquer Ferrer, Francisco Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Victoria Eugenia Combarros Villanueva Director

Defence university: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 11 March 2015

  1. Carlos Palao Taboada Chair
  2. Francisco Alfredo García Prats Secretary
  3. Joachim Englisch Committee member
  4. Adolfo J. Martín Jiménez Committee member
  5. Luis Garau Juaneda Committee member

Type: Thesis


The legal configuration and the juridical-tax system of partnerships are different from one State to another in the marc of comparative law. Those differences could create, sometimes, a series of problems in the area of international taxation’s incomes obtained by this type of entities in its cross-bordered actuations, with special significance with regard to the application of the double taxation treaties. Those problems, which are exposed and studied on this work, don’t usually have a quick and easy solution.