Influence of a rocky platform in the profile morphologyVictoria Beach, Cádiz (Spain)
- Bernabeu-Tello, A.M. 3
- Muñoz-Pérez, J.J. 1
- Medina-Santamaría, R. 2
- 1 Demarcación de Costas, Cádiz
Universidad de Cantabria
Universidade de Vigo
ISSN: 0185-3880, 2395-9053
Year of publication: 2002
Volume: 28
Issue: 2
Pages: 181-192
Type: Article
More publications in: Ciencias marinas
The equilibrium profile concept is a useful tool for the knowledge and management of the coastline. This concept is based on several assumptions that rarely are satisfied in nature. One of these considers that the geologic setting has no influence in the profile morphology. The Victoria beach is a good example that questions this hypothesis. Muñoz-Pérez (1996) and Muñoz-Pérez et al. (1999) proposed an analytical expression of equilibrium beach profile for reef- protected beaches. In this work, data measured at Victoria beach are used to confirm the goodness of this model. The results obtained show that the occurrence of a horizontal rocky platform in subtidal zone modifies the beach slope and the seasonal evolution of the profile.