Modelado del comportamiento energético de elementos constructivos de edificios en contacto con el terreno

  1. Mena Baladés, Jesús Daniel
Supervised by:
  1. Ismael Rodríguez Maestre Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cádiz

Fecha de defensa: 07 February 2014

  1. José María Gutiérrez Cabeza Chair
  2. Luis Maria Perez Lombard Martin de Oliva Secretary
  3. Vítor Manuel Da Silva Leal Committee member
  1. Máquinas y Motores Térmicos

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 355943 DIALNET


The consumption of energy in the world has experimented significant growth in recent decades, 69% from 1984-2010 that growth will continue in the coming years 71% in 2030 according to the International Energy Agency (IEA Key World Statics, 2012). Within the global energy consumption the energy consumed in buildings (residential and services) is of great importance, in Europe that consumption is 40% of the total annual energy (IEA Key World Statics, 2012). Ground¿coupled heat transfer in buildings can make a significant contribution to building thermal energy demand and consequently to HVAC energy use, especially in single-storey residential or commercial buildings. Furthermore, the use of more efficient building envelope components on the upper floors may increase the relative weight of ground coupled heat transfer. Based on building simulations, Neymark (Neymark et al 2008) quantified heat losses ranging from 15% to 45% of the annual heating load for a typical slab-on-grade in a single-storey building. There are many methods or models that attempt to estimate and characterize the ground coupled heat transfer. There are regulations at European level, and its national transpositions establish procedures demanding requirements and thermal models used in computer tools. In the present PhD thesis a simplified model of ground coupled heat transfer has been developing, this model take into a count all configurations of the foundations. The simplified model is based on the superposition of three different one-dimensional heat fluxes. These one dimensional heat fluxes are calculated using a new simplified method based in a modification of the Conduction Transfer Functions method (CTF). A methodology for modeling the boundary conditions and initial conditions of the ground coupled heat transfer has been developing. The simplified model developed has been validated using a numerical method (FEM) and using the International Energy Agent BESTEST.