El concepto de subordinaciónCriterios para la clasificación de las denominadas oraciones subordinadas en español

  1. Devís Márquez, Pedro Pablo

ISSN: 0212-6192

Datum der Publikation: 1994

Nummer: 23-24

Seiten: 71-106

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Contextos


The main aim of this work is to show the inadequacy of accepting the terms "subordination" and "dependence" when we are explaining certain types of syntagmatic relations that sentence syntactic structures can hold -especially if we bear in mind the linear nature of language- and also to show the difficulties caused by admitting some of the general classifications that have been offered of what grammarians have traditionally termed subordinated clauses. Our point of view -which belongs to the sentence patterns theory- accepts that the so-called subordination problem is both a problem of diathesis and of discourse.