Aportación al conocimiento de la sociedad de la costa de la Ulterior en época republicana y Julio-Claudia. El registro d en los Tituli Picti de las ánforas salsarias de Castra Praetoria

  1. Lagóstena Barrios, Lázaro Gabriel

ISSN: 0213-2338 1989-9904

Year of publication: 2002

Issue: 21-22

Pages: 227-236

Type: Article

More publications in: Lucentum


The analysis of several inscriptions preserved on Baetican amphorae of salted fish and fish sauce, which came from the find documented by Dressel in pits of Castra Praetoria, provides an insight into the composition and function of certain sectors of society on the Baetican coast in the first half of the 1st century A.D., and their Republican precedents. The onomastic elements analyzed are characterized by being connected to an activity that was very important for the communities of that time and place: producing and selling processed seafood.

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