Analysis of inequality in fertility curves fitted by Gamma distributions

  1. Ramos Romero, Héctor Manuel
  2. Peinado Calero, Antonio Gregorio
  3. Ollero Hinojosa, Jorge Elías
  4. Ramos, María G.
Sort: Statistics and Operations Research Transactions

ISSN: 1696-2281

Año de publicación: 2013

Volumen: 37

Número: 2

Páginas: 233-240

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Sort: Statistics and Operations Research Transactions


The aim of this paper is to analyse fertility curves from a novel viewpoint, that of inequality. Through sufficient conditions that can be easily verified, we compare inequality, in the Lorenz and Generalized Lorenz sense, in fertility curves fitted by gamma distributions, thus achieving a useful complementary instrument for demographic analysis. As a practical application, we examine inequality behaviour in the distributions of specific fertility curves in Spain from 1975 to 2009.

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