La industria cultural en Andalucíaun estudio comparativo en el contexto de las regiones españolas

  1. Peña Sánchez, Antonio Rafael
  2. Frende Vega, María Angeles
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Conceptos aactuales en dirección estratégica

Issue: 391

Pages: 163-178

Type: Article

More publications in: Economía industrial


Cultural activity has become, from the seventies, in an element of increasing interest both in academia and business. Spanish regions seek new models of economic growth and, in some cases, try to find solutions to the economic restructuring, mainly due to the collapse of traditional manufacturing industry in Spain. Since then the hypothesis of the importance given to the relationship between economy and culture has been held. Thus, the analysis and research in this field of scientific knowledge have focused primarily on examining the problems of culture financing, the behaviour of economic agents and the documentation of cultural industry figures (Blang, 2001, Herrero , 2002). However, numerous issues remain that require further research (Hackett and Ramsden, 2000). In this sense, the objective of this paper is to analyze the evolution of cultural enterprises in Andalusia in the context of the Spanish regions during the period 2000-2008, and their contribution to economic development and job creation. The results of this study suggest interesting ideas for cultural planning and implementation of measures intended to influence the development and economic regeneration of Andalusia.

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