Análisis de la evaluación continua en el contexto del EEES
- Cecilia Matilde Fernández Ponce 1
- Mikel M. Arbulo Echevarría 1
- Juan Pedro Muñoz Miranda 1
- Enrique Aguado 1
- Francisco García Cózar 1
- 1 Departamento de Biomedicina, Biotecnología y Salud Pública (Imunología), Universidad de Cádiz
ISSN: 1133-9926
Year of publication: 2017
Year: 42
Issue: 27
Pages: 81-100
Type: Article
More publications in: Docencia e Investigación: revista de la Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio de Toledo
This paper presents an analysis of the benefits, weaknesses, effectiveness and satisfaction level of professors and students with the continuous assessment systems implemented in the Immunology area of the University of Cadiz. In addition, it has been performed a joint reflection on the continuous assessment as a central aspect of the education process with focus on competency-based learning. Methodology: Surveys and interviews were designed as methodological tools that allowed us to know opinions, satisfaction level and contributions that professors and students receive from the continuous assessment activities. Results: Analysis of collected data showed that some of the continuous assessment activities were perceived by professors and students with consistent and unified criteria, and in general, the experience brings benefits for both groups. Professors and students agree that continuous assessment systems contribute to a better consolidation of knowledge, to the acquisition of useful competencies, promote and diversify the use of academic resources and information sources, and encourage creativity and analysis in students and professors. In our view, the most interesting result of the present study is to have discovered opinions of the students that allow us to optimize and adapt our teaching action to the needs, methodological approaches and expectations that have the students and that previously, we didn’t know. Discussion: This study allowed us to generate a practical proposal for planning the evaluation from a new perspective, involving students as an active entity of their own training, motivating the development of creativity, the use of new technologies and allowing a continuous and effective feedback, creating spaces for a seamless student-teacher communication.
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