Interlinking educational dataan experiment with engineering-related resources in GLOBE
- Enayat Rajabi
- Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán
- Salvador Sánchez Alonso
- Juan Manuel Dodero Beardo
ISSN: 0949-149X
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 31
Issue: 3
Pages: 893-900
Type: Article
More publications in: The International journal of engineering education
Linking different kinds of engineering learning resources on the Web of Data enables enrichment, ease of navigation,casual discovery and improves resource seeking. This is performed by many tools and approaches built to discoversimilarities between the entities on the Web. In this paper we present a report primarily focused on evaluating theinterlinking of engineering-related resources of a significant educational repository (GLOBE) to one of the most importantdatasets (DBpedia) on the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud. After considering various interlinking approaches for linkdiscovery, the paper focuses on the use of one of the interlinking tools (LIMES) and outlines the number of resources linkedto the DBpedia dataset. In this empirical study, we report that almost 40,000 engineering resources were matched to theDBpedia concepts. Our findings are also examined as well as classified in various categories by human experts.