Risk Perception and Chronic Exposure to Organochlorine Pesticides in Maya Communities of Mexico

  1. Polanco Rodríguez, Á.G.
  2. Riba López, M.I.
  3. DelValls Casillas, T.Á.
  4. Quattrocchi, P.
  5. Álvarez Cervera, F.J.
  6. Solorio Sánchez, F.J.
  7. Navarro Alberto, J.A.
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment

ISSN: 1549-7860 1080-7039

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 21

Issue: 7

Pages: 1960-1979

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2015.1004159 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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