Assessment of the genotoxic potential of contaminated estuarine sediments in fish peripheral blood: Laboratory versus in situ studies

  1. Costa, P.M.
  2. Neuparth, T.S.
  3. Caeiro, S.
  4. Lobo, J.
  5. Martins, M.
  6. Ferreira, A.M.
  7. Caetano, M.
  8. Vale, C.
  9. Ángel DelValls, T.
  10. Costa, M.H.
Environmental Research

ISSN: 1096-0953 0013-9351

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 111

Issue: 1

Pages: 25-36

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.ENVRES.2010.09.011 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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