A description of chloride cell and kidney tubule alterations in the flatfish Solea senegalensis exposed to moderately contaminated sediments from the Sado estuary (Portugal)

  1. Costa, P.M.
  2. Caeiro, S.
  3. Diniz, M.S.
  4. Lobo, J.
  5. Martins, M.
  6. Ferreira, A.M.
  7. Caetano, M.
  8. Vale, C.
  9. DelValls, T.Á.
  10. Costa, M.H.
Journal of Sea Research

ISSN: 1385-1101

Any de publicació: 2010

Volum: 64

Número: 4

Pàgines: 465-472

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.SEARES.2010.01.005 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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