Discurso femenino en el teatro de Gómez de Avellaneda y Rosario de Acuña

  1. Coca Ramírez, Fátima
Literatura i espectacle
  1. Alemany Ferrer, Rafael (coord.)
  2. Chico-Rico, Francisco (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant ; Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada (SELGYC)

ISBN: 978-84-608-1239-5

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 139-154

Congress: Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada. Simposio (18. 2010. Alicante)

Type: Conference paper


In this paper we analyze the female speech, the speech written by a woman playwright, against the dominant male discourse which prescribes the fee for writing and women’s behavior. Annotate the most important plays, which is expressed best speech of rebellion against the rule imposed female, two major authors of the nineteenth-century Spanish theater: Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Rosario de Acuña. Our analytical perspective is based on the analysis interdiscursive. In this case we limit ourselves to two types of discourse within the literary, theatrical text, which emerge as contradictory: positive discourse being generated by man, and the negative generated by the rebellious woman, according to the context society of the nineteenth century in Spain