Relación entre variables físicas y calidad de vida en personas mayores de un programa comunitario de ejercicio físico para la salud
- Cuesta Vargas, Antonio Ignacio
- Galán Mercant, Alejandro
ISSN: 1579-7864
Year of publication: 2009
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
Pages: 5-14
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de fisioterapia
Introduction. This study attempts to identify the Physical Fitness (PF) levels from a cohort of elderly people who are subjected to an appropriate physical program, and find the relationship between variables of PF with the Health Status (HS) and the Quality of Life (QoL). Material and Methods. Analytical cross-sectional study on a world population of healthy people over 60 years, developing a physical activity program following the guidelines of the American College of Sports Medicine. Were measured variables related to anthropometric characteristics, isotonic strength, jumping, balance, risk of falls, lung capacity, HS and QoL. The analysis was done with Pearson's linear correlation with 95% Zr. Most relevant results. The correlation indexes founded, related: flight time in jump and total Euroqol result (r = 0,359), flight time in jump and 4th Euroqol dimension (r = -0,367), isotonic strength of rigth knee extensors and 4th Euroqol dimension (r = -0,269), One Leg Stand test and 5th Euroqol dimension (r = -0,297), Time Up and Go test and Euroqol visual analogue scale (r = -0,329), Time Up and Go test and Euroqol total score(r = -0,337), flight time in jump and SF-12 physical points(r = 0,316). Main conclusions. The descriptive statistics obtained from data analysis, identify and determine the PF levels. From the data in this study, we determined a significant quantitative relatioship between dynamic balance and the HS and QoL, and a relationship between the QoL and the pain perception.