Allocutive pronouns in Andalusia and their tendency toward standardisation
ISSN: 2013-2247
Any de publicació: 2015
Número: 5
Pàgines: 241-260
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Dialectologia
In this paper, I will present the social and l inguistic evolution of a Spanish phenomenon that has not been researched in depth. The usage of one single pronoun to address a second person plural is attested in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia and it induces both 2 nd person and 3 rd person agree ments, differing from the standard pattern. However, this phenomenon is stigmatised and we do not count with an exhaustive study on its actual area nor the social characteristics of the speakers who may use it. In this article, I will show the current geog raphic extension of this feature, as well as the social parameters which the adoption or not of the prestigiou form depends on.
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