El movimiento open data access y la visibilidad de la producción científica de los investigadores en las universidades públicas andaluzas

  1. Lydia Bares López
Tlatemoani: revista académica de investigación

ISSN: 1989-9300

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 8

Issue: 26

Pages: 234-254

Type: Article

More publications in: Tlatemoani: revista académica de investigación


The objective of the present work is to analyse the tools used by the Andalusian researchers to access, share and give visibility to their publications, as well as their opinion on whether the use of these increases the visibility and number of citations of their scientific production. The methodology is based on the collection of information through surveys from the main researchers belonging to the Inventory of Research and Technological Development Groups of the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI). More than 50% of the respondents value these tools positively so as to improve the visibility of their scientific publications, however, only 42% think that these resources enhance the number of citations of their scientific activity.