La intervención estatal en la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres como un compromiso con los derechos humanosEl caso de España

  1. Sergio de la Herrán Ruiz-Mateos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz

    Universidad de Cádiz

    Cádiz, España


Revista Electrónica de Estudios Penales y de la Seguridad: REEPS

ISSN: 2531-1565

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Derecho Penal y Derechos Humanos

Issue: 7

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Electrónica de Estudios Penales y de la Seguridad: REEPS


Gender based violence is currently considered one of the gravest violations of human rights. In order to eradicate this form of crime, States must play an active and preponderant role. However, what at first seemed to be part of the goodwill of each State, today has become an obligation with an international and, as the case may be, European dimension, subject to liability in cases of omission or negligence in the fulfillment of their duties. Spain, as a member of the international and European community, is called upon to enable means for the promotion of women's rights, in general, and the protection of the victims, in particular. This justifies the latest and preceding proposed reforms and the recent national court sentences that attribute responsibility to bodies of the Spanish public administration for errors in response to the cases of male-dominated violence