Caracterización hemodinámica Doppler e inflamatoria de las preeclámpticasanálisis del efecto del tratamiento con parches de nitroglicerina

  1. Reyna Villasmil, Eduardo
  1. Mery Guerra Velásquez Zuzendaria
  2. Melchor Álvarez de Mon Soto Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 2012(e)ko abendua-(a)k 03

  1. José Antonio Girón González Presidentea
  2. José Barbarroja Escudero Idazkaria
  3. Luis Berlanga González Kidea
  4. María Kiriakidis Longhi Kidea
  5. M. Leticia Muñoz Zamarrón Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 342056 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


Conclusions: Preeclamptic have significant higher values of Doppler velocimetry of uterine, umbilical, fetal renal and fetal hepatic artery and lower values of fetal cerebral middle artery than normotensive pregnant women. Patients with diagnosis of preeclampsia have higher values of interleukins, inflammation and endothelial dysfunction markers (excepting interleukin 10 and selectin L) than normotensive pregnant women. Nitroglycerin patches produced a significant reduction in pulsatility index, resistance index and systolic / diastolic ratio of uterine arteries, without producing significant changes in umbilical artery, fetal middle cerebral artery, fetal renal artery and hepatic renal artery. Treatment with nitroglycerin patches did no affect modifications in serum concentrations of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction markers. The use of nitroglycerin patches did not modify significantly neonatal variables, development of perinatal complications and mortality. However, there is a clinical reduction in the incidence of complications and perinatal mortality in treated preeclamptic patients. Nitroglycerin patches is associated with a higher frequency of headache.