Vacunación en el adulto no inmunocomprometido
- Guerrero Sánchez, Francisca M.
- Domínguez Cantero, Magda
- Gómez Durán, M.
- Montes de Oca Arjona, M.
ISSN: 0304-5412
Year of publication: 2014
Issue Title: Enfermedades infecciosas (VII): Infecciones por anaerobios y enterobacterias
Series: 11
Issue: 55
Pages: 3300-3303
Type: Article
More publications in: Medicine: Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado
The introduction a few years ago of population vaccination policies, coupled with migration, has determined the presence of unvaccinated adults cohorts. Moreover, some of the vaccines given during childhood do not maintain immunity in adulthood. For these reasons, it is important for an adequate control of vaccine-preventable infections, to extend vaccination recommendations in the adult population with booster doses of childhood vaccination programs. In the current Spanish healthcare, the immunization schedules are the responsibility of the various regions. This article aims to unify these calendars and to provide the major vaccine indications in the general adult population.
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