Aproximación a la poesía didáctica griega fragmentaria de época helenísitca

  1. Ana Isabel Baptista Sánchez
Opera Selecta: estudios sobre el mundo clásico (Anejo de Veleia ; Acta 15)
  1. A. Balda Baranda (ed. lit.)
  2. E. Redondo-Moyano (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 9788490828175

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 23-34

Type: Book chapter


As in many other genres, the Greek didactic poetry has not escaped from the mutilation of time, so many works, have been preserved only in a fragmentary state. This poetry provides useful knowledge at the same tiem that it provides aesthetic value. It experiences a major boom in the Hellenistic period. Within the fragmentary corpus of didactic authors, which we are compiling, we will focus on several remarkable examples: Archestratus of Gela, author that employed Homeric forms in a parodic way for this culinary piece; Alexander of Ephesus, who wrote a poem about geography and a "Phaenomena"; and Heliodoro Athenian, tragic writer who wrote two books about medicine.