Las redes sociales y el marketing de stakeholders en la gestión de los canales de distribución de productos turísticosEl caso de bookingfax

  1. Ramón Cuadrado Marqués 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz. Departamento de Marketing y Comunicación
International journal of world of tourism

ISSN: 2386-2319

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 2

Issue: 4

Pages: 23-30

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/IJWT.2015.I04.03 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: International journal of world of tourism

Sustainable development goals


The shift in touristic consumer behaviour has led to a more intense use of social media as a source of information in the buying decision-making process. Furthermore, businesses in this sector consider that these tools are nowadays a key element in the process of communicating with the customer. Nevertheless, only those companies that gain consumers’ trust can access them, complicating and raising the cost by impact. Even though, managing relationships with the different agents in the distribution channel contribute to enhance tourism businesses’ access to their target, a need intensified by the intangibility of the product bid and the consequent trust requirement by the customer. Under the stakeholder marketing approach it is proposed the management of every agent in the channel, being this approach a especially useful tool for managing interest and trust relationships between both of them. To analyse this phenomenon and to illustrate the utility of the proposed approach, under the case study methodology, this research will be focused on the firm Bookingfax, which makes a profit of its relational capital as the base of its business model.

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