Francisco Prieto. Un pintor en la docencia
- 1 Catedrático de Universidad de Historia del Arte. Departamento Historia Moderna, Contemporánea, de América y del Arte de la Universidad de Cádiz
ISSN: 2659-4951
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 2
Pages: 99-110
Type: Article
More publications in: Cuadernos de Investigación de Fondos del Archivo UCA: CIFA
In 1917, the Valladolid painter Francisco Prieto Santos takes possession like a Special Drawing Professor at the Normal School of Teachers of Cádiz, a position and dedication that he will not leave until his retirement in 1954. At this time, briefly interrupted by the years of the Civil War, between teaching and the free exercise of painting, this castilian will be fully linked to the life of Cádiz and the image of Andalusia.