Relación entre el consumo de fructosa y el aumento de la obesidad

  1. Eduardo Sánchez Sánchez
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 19

Issue: 9

Type: Article

More publications in: Metas de enfermería


Objective: to determine the association between fructose intake and an increase in obesity. Method: a narrative review was conducted, through a search in the main databases, such as: Medline, Cuiden, Scielo, CINAHL and Cochrane Plus Library. The following MesH descriptors were used: “fructose”, “nutrition”, “obesity” and “diet”; and in Spanish, the following DeCS: “fructosa”, “nutrición”, “obesidad” and “dieta”. The limits established were: publication date within the last 15 years, and written in Spanish or English. Results: in total, 519 articles were found, but only 16 of them met the inclusion criteria and were within the limits established: eight original articles and eight systematic reviews. The conclusion in nine articles was that the intake of fructose will lead to an increase in weight and BMI; on the other hand, six articles reached the conclusion that there is no association between these factors, and the results of one of them, conducted by Ebbeling et al. in 2012, state that after an intervention for a reduction in fructose intake, there will be a reduction in weight and BMI during the first year, but no difference will be found at 2-year follow-up. Conclusions: no recommendations can be extracted, and there cannot be a standardization of criteria that present a high level of evidence. The controversy regarding the potential increase in obesity caused by the intake of fructose cannot be solved with the data obtained from this review. It would be very interesting to design studies with a robust methodology, allowing experimental studies with a higher statistical significance, and to conduct meta-analyses with outcomes of higher internal and external validity and reliability.

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