La Convergencia en la Evaluación Socioacadémica por parte de Docentes y Estudiantes durante la Implementación de un Programa Psicoeducativo para la Prevención del Trabajo Infantil

  1. Esperanza Márquez
  2. Daniel Holgado
  3. Isidro Maya Jariego
Psicología educativa

ISSN: 1135-755X

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Alea: 26

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 145-154

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.5093/PSED2020A3 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Psicología educativa


The confluence in the expectations of parents and teachers affects children’s socio-academic development. Teacher evaluations also influence student self-assessment and performance. During the implementation of a psychoeducational program for the prevention of child labor, two aspects of children development were compared: the evaluation of social skills by teachers with self-assessment of minors and subjective assessment of academic performance by teachers with academic qualifications obtained by minors in the previous course. We also explored the qualitative assessment of child labor by teachers and parents. The results showed a high inter-judge consistency in the evaluation of social skills and a moderate coincidence in the assessment of academic performance. The evaluation of teachers reflected a more integrated view of social and academic aspects, compared to minors. Combining the analysis of partial correlations with visualization of networks, the aggressiveness factor was revealed as the indicator with the greatest centrality in children’s socio-academic evaluation, both for teachers and students. Finally, teachers showed greater sensitivity than parents towards negative consequences of child labor.

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